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Cloud computing is the on demand availability computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. Information and data is stored on physical or virtual servers, which are maintained and controlled by a cloud computing provider, such as Amazon, and their AWS products.


Cloud computing is nothing but storing and accessing data like your images, videos, documents etc. Cloud -based storage makes it possible to save files to a remote database and retrieve them on demand. The “cloud” is a term that simply means “the internet”. Computing involves the infrastructures and systems that allow a computer to run and build, deploy, or interact with information.



The first cloud computing type is infrastructure as a service (LAAS)  , which is used for internet based access to storage and computing power. Technically, the LAAS market has a relatively low barrier of entry but it may require substantial financial investment in order to build and support the cloud infrastructure.  Mature open source cloud management frameworks like open stack is available to everyone and provide strong a software foundation for companies that want to build their private cloud or become a public cloud provider. LAAS lets you rent IT infrastructure servers and virtual machines, storage, networks and operating systems from a cloud provide on a pay -as-you go basis

  Examples of infrastructure as –a-service (lass) companies are Amazon, Rackspace, Flexiscale.


PASS is a cloud computing service that provides developers with a framework that can be used for building custom applications. Platform as a service lets software developers build custom applications online without having to worry about data storage, data serving and management. PASS doesn`t replace a business entire infrastructure but instead, a business relies on PAAS providers for key services, such as java development or application hosting. There is no need to invest in physical infrastructure or in expertise required to manage it. The ability to rent virtual IT infrastructure brings in great cost benefits for the users.

Example of which are Google app engine, Microsoft azure, salesforce.


Software as a service which is used for web based applications. SAAS is a method for delivering software applications over the internet where cloud providers host and manage the software applications making it easier to have the same application on all of your devices at once by accessing it in the opposed to buying licensed programs, often very expensive.  The SAAS provider manages the infrastructure, operating system middle-ware, and data necessary to deliver the program, ensuring that the software is available whenever and wherever customers need it SAAS applications allow companies to get up and running very quickly as well as scale operations rapidly. There`s no need to purchase or deploy the hardware and software used to deliver their business services. Examples of such services include widely used Gmail, Google docs,Netflix.




 Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service providers, which deliver their computing resources like servers and storage over the internet’s public cloud is available to anyone who wants to use or purchase it. The benefits include public cloud can be deployed faster and is infinitely scalable; no lower costs; no maintenance; and high reliability. While security concerns have been raised about public cloud, when set up properly, it can be as safe as a private cloud. 

Example of public cloud includes Google drive and drop box.


Private cloud is defined by Gartner “as a form of cloud computing that is used by only one organization or that ensures that an organization is completely isolated from others. “

Private cloud provides computing services to a private internal network and selected users instead of the general public. HP data centers, Microsoft, Elastra -private cloud, and Ubuntu are the example of a private cloud. The owner of a private cloud maintains complete control, not only can organization ensure tighter security , they also benefit from better availability and more up-time than a public cloud can offer.


Hybrid cloud is a solution that combines a private cloud with one or more public cloud services with proprietary software enabling communication between each distinct service. Hybrid clouds have a number of users. An organization may use their private cloud for some services and their public cloud for others or they may use the public cloud as backup for their private cloud.



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