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C programming language

developed at AT and T’s bell 
laboratories in new jersey.
It was designed and written by

 "Dennis Richie 
C is a structure programming 
language in which program is 
divided into various modules . 
each module can be written 
separately and together it forms
 a single program this structure
it easy for testing maintaining 
and debugging process. It is 
allow programming level 
language close to machine 
language it is widely used in the
 software development field ,if 
has the full support of various 
operating system and hardware
                        In computer 
programming machine code, 
consisting of machine 
language instructions is low 
level programming 
language used to directly 
control a computers central 
processing unit (CPU) each 
instruction causes the CPU
to perform a very specific task 
,such as a load , store, a jump or
 an arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
operation on one or more units 
of data in the CPU`s registers 
or memory .programming 
language contains all the 
features of these language and
 many more additional concept
 that make it unique from other
 language C is powerful 
programming language which is
strongly associated with the 
Unix operating system even 
most of the Unix operating 
system is coded in c initially c
 programming was limited to 
the Unix operating  system , but
 as it started spreading around  
the world it became commercial
 ,and many compilers were 
released  for cross platform .
to sure that C language will remain 
standard , american national standards
 institute (ANSI) defined a commercial standard for c 
language in 1989 . later, it was approved by 
the international standards organization (ISO) in 1990. c programming language is also called as ANSI C.C forms a base for many other languages that are currently in use.
C is what is called a compiled 
language this means that once
 you write your c program, you 
must run it through a c compiler
 to turn your program an 
executable that the computer 
can run. 
            the program is the 
human readable form while 
the executable that comes out 
of the compiler is the compiler 
is machine readable and 
executable form what this 
means is that to write and run c
 program you must have access
to a c compiler.
why learn c?
as we studied earlier C is a base language for many programming languages . so ,learning c as the main language will play an important role while studying other programming languages . it shares the same concepts such as data types ,operators, it a simple language and provides faster execution.       
c contains 32 keywords ,various data types and a set of powerful built in functions that make programming very efficient.  
huge advantage of c is portability . different processors have different instruction sets. having to rewrite and maintain assembly language code for each computer architecture you wish to execute your code on is an onerous task . and so one of the main strengths of c is that it combines universality and portability across various computer architectures while still giving you the same kind  of low level hardware control you get with assembly language . this means you can write your c source code once and easily compile it into binaries for use on a wide variety of machines

Structure of c Program.

Comments line

Pre processor statements :

Function proto types:

Global declarations:


           Local declarations :

           Executable statement;

User defined  function()

  {         Local declarations :

            Executable statement;

 Types of constants
                     I.        Integers constants
                   II.        Floating point constants
                  III.        Character constants
                 IV.        String constants

C language has two types of I/O statements

Formatted I/O Statements
Printf ( ) :P

       Printf (“control string”,arguments_list);

Scanf( ):scanf is formatted input function. Scanf( )function is

 used to read information from the standard input device.

 General syntax

           Scanf (“control string”,arguments_list);

Unformatted I/O statements

getchar( ):it reads single character from standard input 

device this function don’t require any arguments .


     Char variable name =getchar( );

Putchar( ): this function is used to display one character at 

a time on the standard output device.


     Putchar(char_variable );

gets ( ):this function is used to read group of characters 

from the standard input device.


    Gets (character array variable );

Puts( ): this function is used to display string to the standard

 output device.

Puts(character array variable );

getch( ): this function reads a single character directly from 

the keyboard without displaying on the screen . this function

 is used at the end of the program for displaying the output

Char variable _name=getch( );

getche( ): this function reads a single character from the 

keyboard and echoes it to the current text window.

Char variable _name =getche( );

Putch( ): this function display any alphanumeric characters

 to the standard output device .it displays only one character at a time .


    Putch(variable_name );

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