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Pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable I.e direct  address of the memory location

       As you know, every variable is a memory

        location and every memory location has its address defined which can be accessed 

 using ampersand (address ) & operator which   denoted an address in memory and *i

the dereference operator and can be read as “value pointed by”


General form

                                    Type *var-name;


Here type is the pointer’s base type; it must be a validC data type and var-name is the name of the pointervariable. The asterisk * you used to declare a pointer is the same asterisk that you use for multiplication. however , in this statements the astric is being used to designate a variable as a pointer

Following are the valid pointer declaration :


Int  *p;             /*pointer to an integer*/

Double *dp;    /*pointer to a double*/

Float  *fp;        /*pointer to a float*/

Char  *ch;       /*pointer to a character*/


                        The actual data type of the value of all pointers, whether integer, float, character, or otherwise,is the same a long hexadecimal number that represents a memory address. The only deference between pointer of different data types is the data type of variable or constant that the pointer pointer to.Variable  referenced with & can be dereference with *




All expressions below are true:

Sandy ==30 //true

&sandy ==12334 //true

Sam == 12334 //true

*Sam ==30 //true


Declaration and accessing values through a pointer:

There are few important operation which we will do with the help of pointer very frequently  We defined a pointer variable Assign the address of a variable to a pointer Finally access the value at the address available in  the pointer variable

This is done by using unary operator * that returns

the value of the variable located at the address

specified by its operand. Following example makes

use  of these operation:



int main ()


int var=20;



printf(“\n address of var variable :%x”,&var);

printf(“\n address stored in ip variable : %x ” ,ip);

printf(“\n value of *ip variable :%d”,*ip);



When the above code is compiled and executed,

it produces result something as follows:


Address of  var variable:bffd8b3c

Address store in ip variable: :bffd8b3c

Value of *ip variable:20


Null pointer in c

It always a good practice to assign a null value to a

pointer variable in case you do not have exact

address to be assigned. this is done at the time of

variable declaration. A pointer that is assigned NULL

is called a null pointer

                   The NULL pointer is a constant with a value of   

             zero defined in several standard    libraries.



int main()


            int *ptr=NULL;

            printf (“the value of ptr is :%x \n”,ptr);

            return 0;


Operations on pointers

You know that address in a memory is a numeric value

we can perform arithmetic operation on the pointers

values some of the different operations that can be

performed On pointer are

 Incrementing / decrementing a pointer

            Any type of pointer variable when incremented

they points to the next memory location of its type



int a=20,*x;




            Now assume that the memory location where

variable a is stored at 34577. Now x contain the value

34577 also note that x stores the address of an integer

variable which has a size of 4 bytes the value of x if

incremented it does not store 34578 rather it stores

34581 which is the next location for the integer variable

thus the pointer gets incremented according to the

data type the value it store the same situation for

decrementing the value of a pointer variable it points

previous memory location of its data type these

operation not affect the value stored at memory






Void main ()


            int num [  ] ={ 11,12,13,14,15}; *p,i;

            clrscr( );

P=&num [ 0 ];

for ( i = 0;  i < 5;  i++ );


            printf (“\n %d=%u”,*p,p);






Decrement operator



int main( )


            int i=0;

            while( i- -  > 5)


            printf (“%d”,i);


return 0;


Additions /subtraction of a pointer



int subtraction (int *x, int *y );

int main()


            int num 1,num 2,res;

            printf (“\n first number : \t”);

            scanf (“ %d”,&num1);

            printf (“ \n second number :\t ”);

            scanf ( “%d”,&num2 );

            res = subtraction ( &num1,num2 );

            printf (“subtraction of two numbers: %d,res”);

            printf (“\n”);

            return 0;


int substract(int *x, int* y)


            int temp;

            temp=*x- *y;

            return temp;



first number : 50

second number: 30

substraction of two number :20




int main()


            int first, second,*p,*q,sum;

            printf (“enter two integers to add \n”);




            Sum=*p+* q;

            printf(“sum of the numbers=%d \n”,sum);

            return 0;


Out put

Enter two integer to add



Sum of entered number=10

Function and pointer

Pointer is used as function parameter to hold address
of arguments passed during function call. this is also
known as call by reference . When any change made
to the reference variable will affect the original variable.




Void swap(int *a , int *b );

Void main ()


            int m=10, n=20;


printf(“m=%d \n”,m);


swap(&m , &n);

printf(“after swapping: \n \n”);



return 0;





Void swap (int *a, int*b );



            int t;








After swapping:




Call by value

In call by value, original value cannot be changed or
modified .in call by value when you passed values to
the function it is locally by the function parameter in
stack memory location if you change the value of
function parameter,it is changed for the current location
only but it not change the value of variable inside the
caller method such as main ( ) 
The call by value method of passing arguments to a
function copies the actual value of an argument into
the formal parameter of the function.




Void swap (int a,int b)


int temp;

temp =a;




Void main ()

int a=100,b=200;cClrscr();


printf(“\n value of a:%d”,a);

printf(“\nvalue of b:%d”,b);





Value of a: 200

Value of b: 100


Pointer to pointer (double pointer)


Defining the pointer to pointer is similar to declaring pointer . 
only difference is we have to place an additional ‘*’ before the name of pointer.
 A pointer to pointer is a form of multiple in directions, or
a chain pointers you know that pointer contains the
address of a variable. When we declare pointer to
pointer , the first pointer contains the address of
second pointer, which points to the locations that
contains the actual value as shown below.



                           Data- type ** pointer name;




   Pointer            pointer                variable 

  address -------->address --------->value                                                                                                                                                   



 int  =10;

int  *ip = &i;

int  **iip = &p;

Here ip is of type ( int  *) or pointer to int ,iip is of


type (int **)or pointer to pointer to int




Address of iip       address of ip      address of i

  8000                       5000                     1000

    5000   ----->         1000    ------->10   




    Iip                               ip                    i                                                                                                                                

(int **)or                       (int*) or

Pointer to pointer            pointer to int

To int


We know that *ip will give value at address ip i.e

value of can you guess what value will **iip will

return?  =>**iip

We know that indirection operator evaluated from

right to left so **iip can also be written as


*iip mean value at address iip or address stored at

ip on dereferencing address stored at ip we will get

the value stored in the variable i


1.      *(iip)

2.      *ip

3.      i

Therefore **iip gives the value stored in the variable i





int main ()


int a = 10;iInt *p1;

Int **p2;



printf (“address of a =%u\n”,   &a);

Printf (“address of p1 = %u\n”,&p1);

Printf (“address of p1 =%u\n” &p2);

Printf (“value at the address stored by p2= %u\n”,*p2);

Printf (“value at the address stored by p1= %d\n\n”,*p1);

Printf (“value of **p2=%d\n”,**p2);

return 0 ;



Address of a = 6356788

Address of p1= 6356784

Address of p2 =6356780

Value of the address stored  by p2=6356788

Value of the address stored by p1 =10

Value of **p2=10

Array of pointer


We can declare in program an array of int, float , or

char etc.we can also declare an array of pointer



                         Data –type *array –name [size];


int *a[3];

here a is an array of 3 integer pointers. It mean that

array can hold the address of 3  integer variables or in

other words you can assign 3 pointer variable of type

pointer to int to the elements of this array




#define SIZE10

int main ()


int *a [3];

int  b =10,c = 20,d = 50 , i ;

a [ 0 ]  =&b;

a [1]=&c;

a [2]=&d;

for ( i = 0 ; i<3;  i++)


Printf (“address=%d\t value=%d\n”,a[ i ],*a[ i ] );


return 0;



Address =387130656            value = 10

Address = 387130660           value = 20

Address = 387130664           value = 50


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